Application of Residence Community Standards

Residence Community Standards outlines the standards of appropriate conduct expected by those who reside in Lakehead University Residence.  These standards complement municipal, provincial and federal legislation and University policies.

The objective of these standards is to enhance the academic experience.  The accountability for behaviour is emphasized and individual choice warrants individual effects.  A reasonable effort is made to investigate all Residence Community Standards infractions in a timely and effective manner.  Full cooperation with staff is expected.

Level 1

Actions by an individual(s) which interfere with the rights of other individual(s) to the enjoyment of his/her space or time in residence.  Any and all items deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and/or disposed of and the appropriate authorities will be contacted. 

Click here for Level 1 infractions

Level 2

Actions by an individual(s), which creates a significant disturbance to an individual or community in Residence.  Any and all items deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and/or disposed of and the appropriate authorities will be contacted.

Click here for Level 2 infractions

Level 3

Actions by an individual(s) which endanger the safety and security of themselves or other individual(s); and/or compromise personal or university property; compromise the integrity of an individual(s) and/or contravene the laws of the land.  Any and all items deemed inappropriate will be confiscated and/or disposed of and the appropriate authorities will be contacted.

Click here for Level 3 infractions

Consequences For Demerit Points Granted

Demerit Points                                                    Action

1 - 2                                                                       Letter of Warning

3 - 5                                                                       Meeting with a Residence Life Staff Member

6 - 8                                                                       Probation and/or Behavioural Contract

9 +                                                                         Eviction

The Community Standards Process

1.  Incident Occurs
2.  Documentation by member of Residence Community
3.  Documentation evaluated by a member of the Residence Life Management team (including meeting with witnesses and offenders if required)
4.  Determination of Offence and Sanction by a member of the Residence Life Management team
5.  Communicate Decision to resident by email (sent to Lakehead University email account)
6.  Resident may appeal to Residence Appeals Board within 3 business days

Residence Appeals Process

The Residence Appeals Board is comprised of students who reside in Residence for that academic year.  Included in their group is a member of Residence Council.  A member of the Residence Life Management team is the chair of the board.

A student has three (3) business days from the time they are officially informed of their sanction (via email) to submit an appeal.  Please ensure that you outline your grounds for appeal.

Any appeal that does not follow this procedure will not be heard by the Residence Appeals Board.  All letters must be addressed to the Residence Appeals Board.

Any Appeal that involves Level 3 violations will be heard by a member of the Residence Life Management team and representatives of the Residence Appeals Board.

The Residence Appeals Board will only hear Appeals on the following grounds:

  • there is proven lack of procedural fairness, bias, unfair treatment, discrimination or improper investigation, etc.
  • the sanction does not suit the violation or behaviour
  • new information has been discovered which renders the original decision to be unreasonable in light of evidence presented

Reasonable example of reasons for Appeal:

  • A Resident Assistant hears noise coming from the third floor, and does not come up to investigate, but documents random people from the third floor instead.