Education & Curriculum

In 2021, the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law developed the Mino-waabandan Inaakonigewinan Indigenous Law and Justice Institute to assist Indigenous organizations and communities in building capacity toward the revitalization of Anishinaabe laws. The Institute partners with Indigenous communities and organizations through collaboration and respectful consultation to assist with legal needs and goals.

We are here by invitation only. The Mino-waabandan Inaakonigewinan Indigenous Law and Justice Institute recognizes that revitalizing Anishinaabe laws is necessary for working towards self-governance and reconciliation.

The Mino-waabandan Inaakonigewinan Indigenous Law and Justice Institute works to revitalize Indigenous laws by conducting research and academic assistance for our clients to balance the goals of Indigenous Law and the Canadian Justice System. We work with communities to outline legal processes. The work we do is not for profit and aims to assist communities with their goals. Our work benefits communities and the faculty, allowing students to develop the necessary skills to apply Anishinaabe and Métis laws in practice.