North2North Circumpolar Student Exchange Program - Application Deadline February 10
The north2north student exchange program, organized by the University of the Arctic, allows students to study at other University of the Arctic institutions. The program operates in close collaboration with the Lakehead faculty exchange program to build mutual cooperation that can sustain and support student exchange.
The University of the Arctic is an international network of educational institutions dedicated to providing relevant and accessible postsecondary education to the people of the North. This means that your choice of exchange institutions will consist of universities in circumpolar countries such as Russia and Finland. At these institutions, you will have an opportunity to learn about another place and another culture, while learning about your region — the North.
To apply, students must complete both the Lakehead University Exchange Program Application form on the Lakehead University International webpage and the University of the Arctic application form found at the north2north webpage. Applications must be submitted to the Lakehead University International office by February 10, 2012.
You may also contact Anna Wease, International Student Advisor at or Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu, north2north Site Coordinator at if you have any further questions.