International Students bring a GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE

Zahid Hasan and Li Kang
International students Li Kang and Zahid Hasan

A sense of adventure and the determination to shape the future on their own terms brought Zahid Hasan and Li Kang to Lakehead University's Thunder Bay campus. These international students have become two of the University's most energetic ambassadors at a time when Lakehead is adopting a truly global outlook.

More and more, Lakehead University International is attracting students like Kang and Hasan as part of a university-wide emphasis on internationalization. This growing unit is also ensuring that students have the academic, social, and cultural supports to thrive once they get here.

Zahid Hasan, who is from Ajman City in the United Arab Emirates says, "I chose Lakehead because I wanted to have an independent mindset." He did his first two years in mechanical engineering before his affinity for people prompted him to switch to the Honours Bachelor of Commerce program. "I'm interested in management, human resources, and recruiting," Hasan explains. The friendliness of his fellow students and quality of the faculty has convinced him that Lakehead was the right choice for him. In fact, after he graduates, Hasan plans to enrol in Lakehead's one year MBA program to further enhance his career credentials.

Being a Lakehead student reflects Hasan's desire to challenge himself and to be open to new experiences - like seeking out his first ever paid job at Home Depot. His strong community spirit motivated him to join a residence improvement committee, the Muslim Students Association, and the Student Success Centre's Leadership Experience And Development (LEAD) program in quick succession. In addition, he's the president of the Lakehead Cricket Club and the president of the South Asian Students Association (SASA)." I can see the diversification of the international student population at Lakehead is increasing so I think that some diversified events should take place at school," he says of his ambitious plans for SASA.

Despite his many responsibilities, Hasan manages to fit some relaxation into his schedule, including outdoor activities. "I was not a nature lover before but I am now. I go on hikes and I had my introduction to fishing and camping here."

Lakehead's rewarding academic and social life along with its beautiful landscapes has Zahid Hasan spreading the word about its advantages. "Three of my friends have asked me about Lakehead and I've strongly recommended that they come."

Second-year business student Li Kang is a similarly enthusiastic advocate for the University. "I did my first year in a big university in South Africa where there were 300 students in classes and you had to fight for seats. I didn't like it and I wanted something different."

For Kang, something different meant leaving her home in Johannesburg and enrolling at Lakehead. When researching schools, she discovered that Lakehead was one of the top Canadian universities and that it met her expectations for an education focussed on student achievement. "I love the one-on-one interaction with teachers. I get to know my classmates too which is great for building networks - something that is especially important in business."

Kang is preparing for a career in event planning, a skill that comes naturally to her. She has been organizing family trips for years and she is the person her friends turn to for advice on how to get things done. "Event planning," Kang explains, "encompasses everything from organizing conferences to managing the logistics behind huge events like the Oscars and the Olympics."

Like Hasan, she is developing her leadership abilities and helping fellow students as a member of the LEAD program. "It's a great experience. It gives me a behind the scenes view of how events like Orientation are run." Immersing herself in the campus community and meeting new people has also been rewarding.

"I didn't realize how friendly Canada was until I got here," says Kang. "Now, I'm trying to start an international students club to introduce students to Canadian culture." She encourages everyone who has the chance to study abroad - even if it's only for one term. "It will change your life. I gained a lot independence, learned how to solve problems, and met amazing people."

Lakehead International is providing Canadian and international students with just such opportunities through exchange programs with countries on several continents including Singapore, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Australia, and Finland. It is also at the forefront of initiatives like the expansion of the English Language Program.

The outreach initiatives of Lakehead International and the increasing number of dynamic students like Li Kang and Zahid Hasan are making Lakehead a more connected place - and that's a good thing for the entire University community.

image of Blair Smith

left quote markBDO Canada LLP and Lakehead University have had a long and extensive relationship dating back to the creation of the University.

As a business based in Northwestern Ontario, we have benefited significantly from the outstanding students that Lakehead has produced and who now make up the core of our office.

At present, approximately 65% of our staff are Lakehead graduates. From a business perspective, we have always seen Lakehead University as a primary economic engine for the region.

We believe that working collaboratively with the University will position our business to grow and prosper in the years to come.

right quote mark
~ Blair Smith, Managing Partner
BDO LLP Thunder Bay
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