Faculty and Staff

Alongside Student Accessibility Services, Lakehead University staff and faculty are a vital part of creating an accessible post-secondary education experience for all students. There are many facets to the role of faculty and staff in creating accessibility in education, some of which will be covered here. For further information about your responsibilities as an educator please see Accommodations and Access for Students with Disabilities and Medical Conditions Policy and Procedures Staff.

Table of Contents

Disability Disclosure

Disclosing disability related information is not required between students and staff or faculty and any information that is disclosed must be kept confidential.

  • Do not ask students for their disability diagnosis.
  • A student's academic accommodations should never be discussed in the presence of any others, including students and other staff or faculty.
  • No reference should ever be made to a student being registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) in the presence of other students or where it is likely someone will overhear.
  • Any questions or concerns regarding a students academic accommodations should always be directed to Student Accessibility Services (SAS).

Understanding Accommodations

  • Once a disability-related need has been identified, education providers, meaning Lakehead University and its faculty, have a duty to accommodate the needs of students with disabilities to allow them to access educational services equally according to Lakehead Policy as well as the AODA and OHRC
  • Accommodations are determined based on a student's functional limitation – A term that encompasses any difficulty in executing routine activities, such as applying knowledge, completing tasks, and maintaining self-care.
    • sensory overload, distractibility, cognitive processing challenges, learning disabilities (reading, spelling, mathematics) are some examples of functional limitations.
  • Each student receives customized accommodations based on their individual needs.
  • Faculty and staff should never request medical documentation in support of academic accommodation.
  • Faculty and staff should contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS) if they have questions regarding academic accommodations.