Missed Assessment (Exams) (Medical/Personal)
Lakehead University temporarily suspends the need for a student who is ill to provide a Certificate of Illness or Incapacitation completed by a Medical Professional as per University Regulation IV “Examinations – Missed Examinations Due to Illness or Other Extenuating Circumstances.” Please review the steps below.
Temporary Steps to Follow for Student Illness & Missed Exams
If you are ill and need to defer the assessment of an exam, please follow these steps:
1. Inform your instructor(s) directly by email from your lakeheadu.ca email
2. In exceptional circumstances, should a medical situation arise leading up to or during the assessment, inform your instructor immediately, or if you are incapacitated, inform your instructor as soon as you are able.
3. Within the email, you must provide a self-declaration affirming your illness to be true. In order for your assessment to be deferred and rescheduled, you will be required to include the following Self-Declaration
Student Self-Declaration Email
I am submitting this self-declaration as a request made in good faith for academic consideration due to an illness that has temporarily impaired my health and ability to participate in my assessment as scheduled.
By making this declaration, I am affirming these statements to be true. Once I have returned to good health, I will contact my professor directly via email to arrange a new assessment date.
I understand that providing any false or misleading information, or using this self-declaration to delay or avoid fulfilling academic requirements, constitutes a breach of academic integrity as outlined in Lakehead University’s Academic Integrity and Policies.
4. Once you have returned to good health, immediately contact your instructor(s) to arrange a new assessment date. Note: No additional documentation (e.g. Certificate of Illness, Medical Note) will be required from you.
If you have any questions or require any assistance related to this, please contact:
Your instructor directly or Student Central.