Training Grant : Health Research Training Platform (2021/22 Pilot)


Eligibility to Apply

For an application to be eligible:

  1. The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) who will act as the platform leader must be an independent researcher or a knowledge user.
  2. The NPA must be affiliated with an eligible institution (see the CIHR Application Administration Guide – Part 4).
  3. In addition to the NPA, at least two other members identified as Principal Applicants (PAs) must be included.
  4. Collectively NPA and PAs must:
  5. For an application to be eligible, the proposed training platform must:
    • Identify at least eight mentors representing different institutions, disciplines, jurisdictions, sectors and career stages.
      • These mentors can include the NPA or PAs.
      • All other mentors must be listed as Co-Applicants.
      • The composition of the mentors must include:
    • The applicant team (NPA, PAs, or Co-Applicants) must be interdisciplinary and intersectoral.
    • Identify one member who serves the function of an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Champion with expertise in sound EDI practices and principles. See Additional Information section for wise practices on including an EDI Champion and defining their potential roles in the platform.
      • The EDI Champion can be a mentor.
      • If not a mentor, the EDI Champion must be listed as a Co-Applicant.
    • Identify a Platform Advisory Committee (PAC) that will help guide and monitor the progress of the platform and future directions, which:
      • Cannot include the NPA and PAs (as advisors).
      • Must include representation from both trainees and ECRs.
      • Must include the EDI Champion.
      • Must include representation from the institution administration of the NPA or PAs.

In addition to meeting the requirements above (1-5), pool-specific eligibility criteria may also apply:

  1. For the Boys, Men and Masculinities pool, applications must also meet the following eligibility criteria:
    • Include four mentors who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis).
    • Include at least two mentors who self-identify as belonging to a racialized group.
    • Include at least two mentors with recognized expertise as social scientists.
    • The NPA must complete an attestation form confirming that their team meets these eligibility criteria. See How to Apply section for more details.
  2. For the AI, Public Health and Equity pool, applications must also meet the following eligibility criteria:
    • The Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) must have a population and public health background;
    • The applicant team is required to include mentors from a range of disciplines, with at least one mentor from computational sciences, at least one mentor from social sciences, and at least one mentor with a demonstrated track record in health equity and working with diverse communities.
    • The NPA must complete an attestation form confirming that their team meets these eligibility criteria. See How to Apply for more details.
  3. For the Girls and Women's Health and Wellness pool, applications must also meet the following eligibility criteria:
    • Include three mentors who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis).
    • Include at least two mentors who self-identify as belonging to a racialized group.
    • Include at least two mentors with recognized expertise as social scientists.
    • The NPA must complete an attestation form confirming that their team meets these eligibility criteria. See How to Apply section for more details.
  4. For the Stigma Reduction and Life Course Mental Wellness for LGBTQ/2S Populations pool, applications must also meet the following eligibility criteria:
    • Include two mentors who self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis).
    • Include LGBTQ/2S mentors who may also self-identify as:
      • Gender-diverse;
      • First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis; and/or
      • Racialized.
    • Include mentors from a range of disciplines, including social sciences.
    • The NPA must complete an attestation form confirming that their team meets these eligibility criteria. See How to Apply section for more details.
How to Apply: 

The specific objective(s) of this funding opportunity are to:

  • Support the development of structured, openly accessible and sustainable training and mentoring platforms that build capacity in areas of major health issues, scientific opportunities and critical gaps by:
    • Supporting the engagement of trainees and ECRs in collaborative research across institutions, disciplines, jurisdictions and sectors;
    • Incorporating diverse training approaches, including experiential training opportunities;
    • Including diverse and inclusive paradigms of research training and mentoring (e.g. Indigenous Ways of Knowing) in a meaningful and culturally-safe manner; and
    • Implementing recruitment, training, and mentoring strategies to attract high-caliber trainees and ECRs, including embedding and applying Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) best practices.
  • Support the development of skills that increase the likelihood of employability and career prospects of trainees and ECRs across sectors, by integrating training on:
    • Approaches to advance rigorous and responsible research (e.g., sex- and gender-based analysis (SGBA), research data management, research involving Indigenous Peoples, ethics, unconscious bias);
    • Grant/proposal writing, budgeting, and peer review;
    • Professional development skills (including transferrable skills, such as communication, analytical thinking, problem solving, project management, leadership, etc.);
    • Best practices in knowledge translation and implementation science; and
    • Diverse career options and opportunities available across the different sectors (private/for profit, public and not-for-profit).
External Deadline: 
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 