Sony Research Award Program for 2020

How to Apply: 

Sony has recently announced their Research Award Program for 2020. There are two funding opportunities available:

1. The Faculty Innovation Award 

This opportunity aims to cultivate advanced concepts and promote research and development. The Sony Faculty Innovation Award provides up to $100K USD in funds to conduct pioneering research priority areas (listed on the website linked above). 
2. The Focused Research Award
This opportunity aims to support collaboration between Sony and academia, to facilitate exploration of new and promising research. The Sony Focused Research Award provides up to $150K USD* in funds, and may be renewed for subsequent year(s). A list of candidate research topics can be found at the website listed above. 
Submission guidelines for these opportunities can be found here: 
The deadline for these awards is September 15th, 2020.
External Deadline: 
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Funding Source: 
Funding Level: 