Message from the Dean
Welcome to the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at Lakehead University! We contain the Department of Health Sciences, School of Kinesiology, School of Nursing, Department of Psychology, and School of Social Work.
Department of Health Sciences
School of Kinesiology
School of Nursing
Department of Psychology
School of Social Work
Through these five disciplines, we generate world-class research and provide outstanding opportunities for experiential, inter-professional, and community-based education.
Our academic and professional training programs are grounded in the behavioural sciences and the arts and science disciplines of Lakehead University. Serving nearly 2000 students through 250 undergraduate and graduate courses, award-winning instructors, and a network of community partnerships on both campuses, we are your destination for education and professional training in the health and behavioural sciences in Northwestern Ontario and Simcoe County.
Through our extensive networks and community partnerships we join the people and organizations of Northwestern Ontario and Simcoe County with world-class researchers and cutting-edge knowledge in the health and behavioural sciences. We produce hundreds of research publications and presentations and generate millions of dollars in competitive external research grants every year.
We are united in our shared vision of contributing to the health of our regional and global communities through high quality teaching, research, and clinical expertise in the health and behavioural sciences.
Dr. Mirella Stroink
Dean, Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences