Graduate Funding, Scholarships, Awards, and Bursaries

Department Guidelines for Graduate Student Funding

In accepting a student into the Graduate Program, the Department of Biology attempts to ensure that the Supervisor will be able to provide adequate funds to complete the proposed research and that each student receives some assistance with personal expenses by way of an annual stipend. The minimum level of assistance provided as a stipend for each of the two years of an M.Sc. should be no less than $10,000. This minimum will be comprised of a Graduate Assistantship and additional moneys from any or all of the following sources: an Entrance Award, Departmental Bursaries and Awards, and/or stipends from a Supervisor's research grants and contracts. In addition, all students applying for admission should become familiar with scholarship and bursary opportunities available to them. It should be noted that the application deadline for many of these will occur early in the student's senior undergraduate year. Detailed information on such awards is available from the Student Award Office, Lakehead University and the University's home page.