Honours Thesis Presentations - Department of Biology
The Department of Biology will be showcasing its undergraduate research with presentations by its Biology and APLS HBSc candidates.
Schedule of Events:
1:00pm: Symposium & Introduction
1:15pm: Kathlyn Alexander (Supervisor: Dr. Ingeborg Zehbe)
Investigating protein biomarkers in HPV16 containing organotypic cultures using immunostaining.
1:30pm: Amanda Michano (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Lawrence-Dewar)
Does cortical thickness have an influence on motor learning during a visuomotor adaptation task?
1:45pm: Christina Anthes (Supervisor: Dr. Marina Ulanova)
Phagocytosis of Haemophilus influenza type A by THP-1-derived macrophages.
2:00pm: Nicholas Bel (Supervisor: Dr. Neelam Khaper)
Cardiac redox regulation of inflammasome.
2:15pm: - Break -
2:30pm: Laurel Gordon (Supervisor: Dr. Robert Mackereth)
Exploring the relationship between angling pressure and mercury contamination in walleye (Sander vitreus) in Ontario.
2:45pm: Andrew Linklater (Supervisor: Dr. Wensheng Qin)
Simultaneous biological nitrogen and sulfur removal for wastewater treatment.
3:00pm: Jason Feller (Supervisor: Dr. Joseph Carney)
An analysis into the potential heterotrophic abilities of the carnivorous pitcher plant Nepenthes ventrata.
3:15: Conclusion
All are welcome to attend & refreshments will be served