
Monday, March 31, 2008 - 12:00am
ATAC 3004
Aboriginal Management Council
Agenda - March 31, 2008
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
ATAC 3004
Regrets: C. Hartviksen
1. Welcome & Opening Prayer - Susan Bebonang, NTEP Coordinator
2. Welcome/ Introductions - Elder, Negahneewin College Representatives, Aboriginal Awareness Centre
2.1 Elder, No Elder
2.2 Brenda Small & Jerry Perrault, Negahneewin College
2.3 Anthony Angus, Aboriginal Awareness Centre
2.4 Nancy Bouchard, Anishinabek Employment & Training Services
3. Approval of Agenda
4. Conflict of Interest
5. Approval of Minutes
6. Business Arising from Previous Meeting
6.1 Chair for Metis Studies
7. New Business:
7.1 Aboriginal Roundtable - Aboriginal Representative from Orillia Advisory Committee
7.2 Year end Retreat/Review
7.3 Indigenous Learning Centre Committee
9. Updates/Reports:
9.1 Research Ethics Committee - P. Smith
9.2 Centre of Excellence of Aboriginal Teaching & Curriculum - Dr. E. Gardner
9.3 Native Nurses Entry Program - C. Hartviksen
9.4 ACSS - L. Wabange
9.5 Vice-Provost (Aboriginal Initiatives) - B. Sabourin
9.6 Native Access Program- G. Hendrick-Laliberte
9.7 Board of Governors & Ad Hoc Committee - T. Pile
9.8 Senate - C. Hartviksen
9.9 Senate Academic Committee - C. Hartviksen
9.10 LUNSA - Powwow Update - B. Johnson
10. Other Business
11. Information Items
11.1 Traditional Meal Food Menu - Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre
12. Adjournment