Unravelling Poverty Using Integrative Approaches

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Online (via Zoom)
Event Contact Name: 
Dr. Kevin Willison
Event Contact E-mail: 

Free Zoom online session: https://lakeheadu.zoom.us/j/99605990951?pwd=ejFrbzgxSWtCYWxEUkVzNk1qK0ta... Passcode: 722987

Dr. Kevin Willison from Sociology will discuss poverty in this interesting talk.

Abstract: Poverty is recognizably difficult for millions and its causes are complex. Its delineation demands multifactorial consideration using both quantitative and qualitative analysis. Doing so not only facilitates improved understanding but also better strategizing to put into action that which is needed to effectively address poverty’s wide and typically negative societal ramifications.

As its complex subject matter eludes any one discipline the study of poverty demands collaboration among varied orientations to help stimulate innovative ideas and problem-solving capability. Arguably an effective means to integrate varied knowledge paradigms, plus to help incorporate and integrate both quantitative and qualitative data, is use of artificial intelligence (A.I.). A component of A.I. to be addressed is that of the use of fuzzy logic.

We will ponder the field of public health as well which for forty plus years has made use of the Andersen Model. This embodies predisposing, enabling and need characteristics which have been evidenced to impact access to and uptake of health and social services.

This framework also shows promise to help build upon Max Weber’s notion of “life chances” – which is to say a given person’s or group’s socioeconomic status. Overall, methodologically, I retrospectively draw from a scoping of the relevant literature to help elaborate and explore the potential use of sociology, fuzzy logic as well as the Andersen Model to help unravel the complexity of poverty.

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