Department of Biology MSc Thesis Proposal - Navjot Kaur

Event Date: 
Friday, November 20, 2020 - 2:30pm to 4:00pm EST
Event Location: 
Live on Zoom, contact for a meeting id and password
Event Contact Name: 
Heather Suslyk
Event Contact E-mail: 

MSc Thesis Proposal By: Navjot Kaur

“Effect of temperature and pH on the effectiveness of Hypholoma species and Phlebiopsis gigantea as biocontrols for Armillaria ostoyae and Heterobasidion irregulare”

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. Nandakumar Kanavillil (supervisor)
Dr. Gerardo Reyes (Co-supervisor)
Dr. Sreekumari Kurissery

All are welcome to attend